Monday, February 26, 2007

More activity

As you can expect... we've been very excited to track the growth of the little one, but in these next few clips - he or she does not look so little anymore:).
All Legs

We think the baby is sucking on its thumb and then hiccups on this one

And finally, this is our favorite, keep an eye on the hand

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Well, today is the beginning of week 16!! For the record, it's a good thing that Stace is finally showing a bit - cuz she's been a bit too easy to live with for being "Enpregnated". No nausia, no moodiness (I thank my God every day...), just a bit sleepy at times.

Everyone once in a while, I try to talk to the baby, and hope to carry on a conversation, so I talk and then listen... :

For those of you who may not know quite as much about what we've been up to lately, here you go! Basically, work - church - people. Summed up in three words, but we are especially passionate about our church... And you may check our church's interim website (as we work on a more sophisticated one), to see a bit more about what goes on there and such: . Many exciting things are happening there lately, growth of many kinds. And Stacey and I still love each other.