Today is the last day of the summer. That means that Carson is a bit over 6 weeks old, Stacey just turned 27 and I am still 25, for a few days:). Carson has been changing every single day, it seems. Losing his hair from front to back, starting to "talk", and entertain himself with his flailing arms are a few things that we've been enjoying watch happen with our little friend. Life in general is about the same, although, everything is a bit different with a baby. We look forward each day to watch God's continuous plans unfold for us. As most of you know, my passion has become music, in the last couple of years; between leading music at our church and writing some of my own - I'm excited to see how God will choose to use me. Although this is has never been my ultimate goal, I have been encouraged to look into recording the songs that I have written, which is a new venture... In all of this, you can please pray that God would show us the path that He would want us to take - and that we might have eyes to see the doors that will open before us. My dad once said (dad, you probably don't exactly remember this) - My paraphrase: You are the most fulfilled and happy when you've followed God's leading in your life. I guess that means that you have to first listen and have Faith! Stacey is a natural at being a mom (nice transition, huh?). Even though we have now known each other for 6 years, it was hard for me to imagine her as a mother. To literally spend 24 hours a day with an infant is something, but to watch her love and care for Carson over and over again ,in the way that she does, has impressed me. This new chapter in our lives is such an exciting one. Ok, this resembles something more like a e-mail - so we shall now come to a close. Hope to talk to you all soon.