Wednesday, September 5, 2007

1 whole month old!

Our baby boy has been with us for exactly one month, 4 weeks that is. He's enjoying alot of first time stuff - like walks and baths and meeting all kinds of people. He's starting to make little goo ga'ing noises:). We're having an awesome time figuring him out and getting to know him.
Carson Cole2


Anonymous said...

that boy is looking FAT!!! what a difference a couple of weeks makes. but he is still the cutest boy in the world!

nana and pop-pop

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping the pictures coming.. He is adorable!!! I am so excited for you guys. I am also very jealous that my mom gets to see you two and of course the new addition to the family.. Love you all 3 and I hope things are well!!!!

Katie "Kaka"