Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Long... Time

Hey everyone! I understand if none of you check this page anymore, obviously "updating this page" was not one of my new year's resolutions. Well, all is well here. Carson grows at the speed of "Fast". He comes up with something new every week. A few pics and video will hopefully demonstrate that. Something exciting that has recently happened for our little church is the possibility of streaming our services LIVE on Sunday mornings and then recording them for later viewing as well - it's neat. check it our some time:


Chris, Kellee, Tyler, JJ, and Emilee said...

hey guys...i still check your blog, and love seeing and hearing carson. He sure is getting big. miss you guys so much!

Anonymous said...

I check daily with low expectations. It is a fun surprise to get to see something new. We had a great time at Christmas and were so glad to be able to meet cousin Carson. Zach especially loves seeing his baby cousins.


jbnarc said...
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jbnarc said...

Time flies doesn’t it? Feels like you just updated the blog and suddenly it’s 2 months later. I have the same problem with our website. Hopefully your fam/friends don’t give you as much pressure as ours do. Carson is a cutie…and that time flies too.

Priscila said...

Hey Ben, This is Priscila Gilley(pinto)from BBC. Hope you are well. glad to see you have a baby boy. Please have stacey contact me, i would love to catch up.
or just get a facebook account and we can all catch up.
Your baby is too cute!